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Paid for by The King’s Academy JROTC Batallion

Core drill routines unify JROTC cadets

The dictionary defines “drill” as “instruction or training in military exercises.” It is one of the core values of JROTC and something that every cadet is required to learn. To an outsider looking in, a drill does not look more than just a group of people marching around in unison. However, to the average cadet, it means much more.

For them, it means practicing discipline, trust and repetition. In JROTC, every cadet starts at the bottom. However, as the years progress, they grow in skill and experience. Some of them even excel at a drill, demonstrating exceptional leadership skills and excellent discipline levels.

Drill brings the company closer together. If one cadet makes a mistake, the entire company fails. Being able to trust that the person next to you is going to do the right thing is crucial. Once everything falls into place, you have a whole company moving together, trusting each other and not deviating from the drill.

Finally, the only way to progress is through repetition. “The Karate Kid” demonstrates that when you repeat smaller techniques, the larger ones will become gradually easier to achieve. Truly practicing and mastering drill takes multiple times of trial and error.

Nevertheless, identifying your mistakes and improving on them will make you better. If these cadets want to achieve that goal of unity and perfection, it will all come down to how they perform in the drill and trust their fellow comrades to make the right decisions.


Teamwork in JROTC supports lasting bonds

JROTC is designed to teach leadership skills, but without teamwork nothing would get done. Teamwork is demonstrated all throughout JROTC, whether it be through upper leadership, special teams or everyday needs.

For example, the chain of command is when information travels from the lowest rank to the highest rank. Without the chain of command, one person would be in charge of everything. The company would not function effectively without shared responsibility between people, which is exactly how JROTC operates.

Many of the special teams, such as the cyber patriot team, robotics team, raider team, academic/leadership team and orienteering team, are based upon teamwork. Each of these teams compete differently.

For instance, the cyber patriot team competes to make everyday computers safe from cyber attacks. The robotics team works together to build a robot to perform a certain task while the raider team works together to complete physically challenging obstacles. The academic and leadership teams work together to answer questions in a difficult test and the orienteering team works together to navigate quickly through the woods.

All of these JROTC teams require a variety of skills, and by working together, they can always accomplish their various tasks. Teamwork is demonstrated through everyday activities in JROTC. When someone is struggling with any type of issue, there is always another person prepared to help.

Whether through Physical Training, Drill and Ceremony or a simple question such as, “Where does this go on my uniform?” someone is always available to come to assistance. JROTC teaches many principles, but they all start with teamwork


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