Over four thousand Christians came together to worship at the Free Chapel revival. photo by freechapelyoungadults.png
On Sunday, Oct. 22, Free Chapel Church in Gainesville started a 3-day revival that quickly turned into ten days of nightly sermons and worship. Students and adults from all over North Georgia traveled to experience the powerful service they had heard so much about through social media.
Senior Aden Mosley attended the revival both Tuesday and Sunday of the first week with a group of friends from Restoration Church, the church he attends regularly. “I learned about the revival from my good friend, Yeriel,” said Mosley.
Mosley felt God move in every aspect of each night, from the moment worship started to when he walked out of the church doors. “The singers all had beautiful voices and the sound was wonderful, but most importantly the presence of the Lord was there,” said Mosley.
Both nights, Pastor Perry Stone preached a powerful sermon. “My biggest takeaway was to wake up from the distractions of this world and live for eternity,” said Mosley. “I was very encouraged by the revival. It made me remember how powerful the God we serve is.”
After his first experience with the revival, Mosley could not help but go again. “I went again because I knew God was moving in the lives of people at Free Chapel through this revival,” said Mosley. “I didn’t want to miss out on seeing the all powerful God move in the lives of his redeemed people.” The revival is set to continue through Friday, Nov. 3, but attendees are praying for the Lord to keep moving at Free Chapel Church, even when the revival ends.